6800yt trans.

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6800yt trans.

blue skys
what have i done?   i started out changing the oil and filter.  after good advice i still made a mess.  to make a long story short, i started it, and backed it up.  i backed into my car.  no damage to it, but when i put it in forward it didnt move.  there was a spot of oil about as big as your hand on the concret.  when the motor is off, and you push it it dosent turn the pully on top of the tran.   when the motor is runing the pully is turning,but does not move.  what have i done?  please help.  thankyou,,blueskis  
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Re: 6800yt trans.

blue skys
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Re: 6800yt trans.

Have you checked your engine oil level? Hydro oil level?
Determined where the oil came from? Backing into a car shouldn't have wrecked anything...