About to purchase a YT3600N

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About to purchase a YT3600N

Its in great shape cosmetically.  It was winterized (carb drained, battery disconnected, fuel filled and stabilized) about 5 or 6 years ago and has been in storage ever since.  I am sure I will need a new battery.  I see that one is not available from Yamaha and I can not find a cross reference chart to see what will work.  

Does anyone know what off the shelf part/part numbers are for an aftermarket battery and oil filter?

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Re: About to purchase a YT3600N

Any lawn tractor-type battery will work...smaller than an auto battery, but bigger than an ATV one.
Congrats on the find!! As long as it was stored correctly, you shouldn't have too much problem starting
it back up. 5-6 years is still pretty long for fuel stabilizer, so you may want to drain, and refill with fresh stuff. Look down a few posts for "parts suppliers" to look up oem oil filters. NAPA covers the 6800 engine
with NAPA Gold oil filter #1635, but I don't know if it's the same for the 3600.