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Engine overspeed

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Engine overspeed

Ok so I blew a head gasket and replaced it without issue and made sure everything went back the way it came off. However now to keep it at normal rpm range I have to keep the throttle lever full down. It looks like the fuel valve on the carb is staying full open and I can't figure out how to adjust it anymore than I already. Is this a governor failure? Or maybe I am just going brain dead on this task. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
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Re: Engine overspeed

Ok so figured it out after trouble shooting and messing with everything for about 20 hrs it was a 30 seconds fix. All I had to do was reset the governor arm and all was right. I broke mechanic 101 easiest solution first.
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Re: Engine overspeed

Glad you figured it out!
It's always the easiest things that screw you up...plenty of experience with that.
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Re: Engine overspeed

In reply to this post by Jmbas
how does one go about resetting the governor? (do you mean re-calibrate)?