Hello Richard, Based on your inquiry I'm not sure you understood
my post. I have a total of 5 Yamaha lawn tractors, 4 of them are
the 6800 and 1 is the 3600 plus I have a box of many extra parts
for the 6800. I am preparing to move to a different state and
would like to get rid of all my Yamahas and parts, however, I am
not interested in selling the occasional part I was hoping to find
someone interested in buying all my tractors and parts.
On 5/2/2020 10:08 AM, Richard Buholzer
[via Yamaha Lawn Tractor Fan club] wrote:
Hi, i am a swiss Farmer and i Have a3600 YT i am very much
interested in the YT6800 , please send me Information about this
[hidden email]
To unsubscribe from For Sale: 1 YT3600, 4 YT6800's, plus box of
YT6800 parts,
click here.