Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

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Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

Brake pedal MUST be pushed hard to contact the interlock for starting the tractor and It seems to be at the end of it's travel. I have long legs so I can do it but my tiny , short legged wife cant do it safely.
.. Is there an adjustment on the brake pedal / rod to raise it up for easier switch contact and better braking ?
.. If so where is it located ?
.. What type of brake pads does it have ?
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Re: Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

  Brake adjustment should be on disc pads about a11mm nut with a locknut just under the gas tank inside the frame  on right side tighten until you cannot move tractor with park applied let park off tractor should
move freely
 good luck
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Re: Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

gordonr wrote
  Brake adjustment should be on disc pads about a11mm nut with a locknut just under the gas tank inside the frame  on right side tighten until you cannot move tractor with park applied let park off tractor should
move freely
 good luck

Thanks for the info, next time I visit my daughter's place I'll try your 'fix'.
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Re: Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

Not sure if that answered his first issue, that of the contact point with the switch, allowing the Start to run.  I'd offer that, but I don't know myself... wouldn't mind it being a bit higher up myself, if anyone has an answer to that aspect of the query.  (Pedal has to travel deep to contact the switch for starting)
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Re: Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

In reply to this post by mtureski
Not sure if that answered his first issue, that of the contact point with the switch, allowing the Start to run.  I'd offer that, but I don't know myself... wouldn't mind it being a bit higher up myself, if anyone has an answer to that aspect of the query.  (Pedal has to travel deep to contact the switch for starting)
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Re: Model 3600 Brake Pedal Adjustment

In reply to this post by Corksailor
Pretty sure you can not adjust the brake switch location.  You will have to adjust the seat up closer