Need fuel pump for yt 3600p

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Need fuel pump for yt 3600p

Does anyone know where I could get a fuel pump for the yt 3600? Would greatly appreciate some help.
I can order one from Japan, but it will take a month to get here and most of my paycheck.
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Re: Need fuel pump for yt 3600p
Here you go, Fuel pump $211.00
                           Filter $13.86
                       Shipping $21.00 with a tracking # anywhere in N.America
                       Total $245.86   Canadian $
#3 and #4 in the picture shown below.
You can order by email, ""
We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.  
Please send your complete shipping address and contact phone number.
If you wish to order by phone, please call, our toll free number is 1-877-414-0404.  

Thanks for using

Regards Speedy,