Oil smells like gas after a carb clean

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Oil smells like gas after a carb clean

My oil smelled like gas so I took the carb off and it was all dirty and gummed up.  I cleaned the carb real good with acid and when I was done I blew into the fuel line with the carb upside down to make sure the needle closed and it did.  All seemed well but after the first cut it smelled like gas again.  Also, if I let it idle for a few minutes it is a bit harder to start and huffs a bit of black smoke for the first few seconds its running.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  My next guess would be to disassemble the carb again and try cleaning it one more time.
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Re: Oil smells like gas after a carb clean

I think your float may need adjustment, or replacement. Sounds like it may be getting stuck open, thereby letting too much gas in to the carb. When you take your carb off again, make sure to take the bowl off and clean in there, and check to make sure the float can move up and down easily. To check it for leaks, you'd have to see if you can hear any gas sloshing around inside when you move it around. Don't use acid to clean the float, as it may destroy it, just some carb cleaner will do. The black smoke is an indication of too much gas...