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PTO pulley puller for a V twin

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PTO pulley puller for a V twin

I'm having a heck of a time getting the pulleys off. Can't find the right tool 90890-01429. Anyone have any luck and would like to share. I have tried a few of the usual ways. Thanks
3-YT3600's, 2-YT 6800's, 1-YT6700 for parts.
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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

Check out 2fast4u post Feb.21/2011, on how to make a tool


I didn't take my motor off, just rolled the tractor on its side, and tapped, and pryed & prayed, at the same time.
Good Luck.

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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

3-YT3600's, 2-YT 6800's, 1-YT6700 for parts.
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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

In reply to this post by cr250
i'm a little late on this reply but here goe's. just took my pulley of yesterday. i used Tommy's method but did not smack the bolt that went into the threaded part of the lower part. i used a impact after i slid the 4 inch 3/8 dowel into the pulley and installed the bolt up in behind it. everything went good until the dowel pin bent. the pulley was starting to come off but the dowel bent then everything stopped. i used a very large tapered chisel and used it like a pickle fork method. slid it up under the lip of the pulley and smacked it as i rotated it around. installed it in the back portion of the pulley set up where the metal belt guides were. would lightly smack the pulley on the edge as i moved it around. was a pain but i got it removed. i think with a hardened dowel and a very good impact with a lot of power it will come off. mine was on since it was made. my macheinest friend said that was the way to remove those tapered pulleys. lots of people say to use heat but i don't want to burn the garage down. pic shows what i used to get mine off. just make sure if you use this method that you put the chisel to the rear where the metal with the guide pins are to support the chisel instead of the soft engine case.
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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

Thanks DW, I'm still fighting it, I've tried everything. I ended up plasma cutting one of last year, so I'm a little gun shy. The threads where starting to strip from the impact and hammer on the current one. I'll try the bigger chisel method next!
3-YT3600's, 2-YT 6800's, 1-YT6700 for parts.
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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

In reply to this post by DW
It finally let loose! Took the big impact and pry method, thanks!
3-YT3600's, 2-YT 6800's, 1-YT6700 for parts.
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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

good job. nothing like it when that pulley drops off. i was worried about my threads too but they were ok. when i reinstalled mine i nailed the long bolt pretty good with the impact. put the seal in and all is good so far.
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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

In reply to this post by cr250
I had a leaky seal a couple years ago.  I realized that if I put a puller on the outer edges the pulley would break. So I drilled 3 holes at 120 degrees, reinstalled the crank bolt and set up my puller to push against the bolt head.  A quick heat from the torch and it was off. I drilled a small hole in the metal shell then used a dent puller to remove the seal.

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Re: PTO pulley puller for a V twin

good job. i wanted to get my pulley off without engine removal which i did. if i ever have to remove my engine and need the pulley removed i'll use your method.