Part Number for YT 3600...Paint

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Part Number for YT 3600...Paint

Hi all, I am looking to get a part number for the paint for a YT3600 lawn tractor. I have attempted to do this before with no luck (its the usual sky blue in colour). I have just found someone here in the UK who is offering to mix the paint but they suggest I would get a much better match with a part number..... if anyone can help?????

Thanks to Speedy at YamahaGenuineParts for that suggestion.

regards Stuart

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Re: Part Number for YT 3600...Paint

I have never been able to find one either. You probably have good enough mixer to
get it close.
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Re: Part Number for YT 3600...Paint

In reply to this post by beulahcutter
My local NAPA parts store just mixed me a spray can to touch up a YT6700 that I am rebuilding to go along with my two YT6800's, Martin Senour Color 16515. Is anyone out there experiencing hydrostatic trans leaks? The one that I have had since new has never bothered but both used ones I acquired leaked from a crack in the case. I was able to repair both the transmissions. I may be able to help if anyone needs assistance. Greg,
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Re: Part Number for YT 3600...Paint

The Napa Paint cost is $20.00 U.S.  Greg