That may be the case... certainly hard to get your fingers effectively into the area of the clutch pulley. I did get the belt back on with all springs attached, by following up on an idea I mentioned in the initial post. I ran a bolt (loosely) through the hole above one of the small pulleys, a hole through the mounting bracket of the pulley, and ran that through a hole in the end of a pry bar. Using that, I was able to pry and move the pulley against the pull of its spring, and get more slack in the belt, and using that ran it onto the clutch pulley. I think I'll refine that to two bars with bolts attached and sticking out, which I can insert into the holes in bothpulley brackets, and be able to run both pulleys against their springs, producing more slack. Seems to be the way to go, since these two pulleys and their springs are the only options for producing slack in the belt run.... that's their job, taking up slack.