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Snow Blade on Yamaha Lawn Tractor?

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Snow Blade on Yamaha Lawn Tractor?

I don't have the snow blower attachment to go with my Yamaha YT-3600 and they appear to be hard to come by.  I'm just curious if anyone else has ever tried mounting a snow blade attachment onto their Yamaha tractor.  I've heard people suggest it's not that complicated to fabricate some mounting hardware to attach these blades to Craftsman and John Deere lawn tractors, even if they are non-matching brand blades - would it be that hard to do with a Yamaha?  
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Re: Snow Blade on Yamaha Lawn Tractor?

There was a snow blade option for the Yamaha tractors, although I have never seen one. Here's a diagram..

I'm sure you could fab up something going by that...