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Anyone doing any snowblowing or blading with their tractors?
Let's see some pics....
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Re: Snowblowing??

hey psssssssst,Rattosh are you there? I have a question about an air compressor and I cant find any one to talk to. are you up for tough challenge?
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Re: Snowblowing??

In reply to this post by rattosh51
actually I have an off topic question about an air compressor . I cant find any forums and this machine is not made any more. its just like the Yamaha lawn tractor( built like tanks). but they don't make them any more.  this compressor was made by jacuzzi universal ltd. its a beautiful machine and has been running I think since the sixty's or seventies. I was hoping you might be able to point me to some one. It started running a bit slow and I don't want to take it apart until I can educate myself. muchly appreciate your help.
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Re: Snowblowing??

 Thought Jacuzzi only made hottubs and whirlpools!!! That's the only thing that comes up from Google.
Is that the brand name on the engine?
What do you mean by "running slow"?
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Re: Snowblowing??

yep thats what i thought as well, and thanks for your reply BTW I always wondered how we cam up with rab 5050 you have 51 some one else has 50, mine is from my log in on ebay wich i made up from fifty fifty meaning a fair deal. any way i have had this compressor for about fifteen years, was given to me by a friend and we both have always kept the oil changed.   It says on the name plate Jacuzzi universal ltd.  
 nodel # SSP6ZH  33IP  
 then it has a unit # CQJ587
says was made in rexdale.
 I made a few calls and was told the company went out of business some years ago. I thought it would be easy to dig up something about this but no luck. Then I remembered you and thats when I grabbed your link off a page in nabble. The compressor ran fine until lately it starts fine and seems to run ok but after about one or two minutes for some unknown reason it starts to slow down to almost a stop. I checked the line voltage and the motor is running fine as well. One puzzle is that I can turn everything over by hand without and trouble or very little resistance. Now I have seen inside some old compressors and the way they work with the thin flap valves. I am not sure if they all work the same,at least the piston ones. I took a few pictures,the layout seems a bit complicated to me. I am prepared to pull it apart but It sure would be helpfull if I had some good adviceP0022751.JPGP0022752.JPGP0022754.JPGP0022755.JPGP0022754.JPG. Where do I start for instance?

 thanks for your time Rattosh  
 (BTW) I have been glued to a site called (the oil drum) ever since the well blew out. if your interested in the real technical opinions and the truth about whats going on that's the place to go
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Re: Snowblowing??

Well, I'm not much of a compressor guy, never had one that big. But with the slow-down thing, I would assume it is the electric motor. I'm thinking this 'cause I just had my Kirby vacuum cleaner do the exact same thing. Would turn it on, it would start ok and then it wound down to a stop. It has an electric motor on it too, although much smaller, but the principle should be the same. The brushes inside the motor were worn out and had to be replaced. New brushes and it works again. I would start by looking at those, I guess. Motor brushes would probably be a little easier to find, too. Maybe under a load, the brushes can't handle it?
 I just made up my name as a combo of things and "51" came out of thin air.
I'll check out that site, sounds interesting. Let me know what you end up doing on the compressor...always willing to learn new things.
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Re: Snowblowing??

OK thanks for your help I will let you know how it goes.
another interesting is
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Re: Snowblowing??

In reply to this post by rattosh51
 hello again,
  I have been away with my head buried in the oil drum. I really thought the gulf was a goner there. I am glad I was wrong. That site is full of rocket science people and they keep a very sterile thread I have been reading in there almost every day sometimes two or three hours and I have never even signed up. I cant come up with a smart enough question or comment!
 I wanted to ask you about the fuel pump pressure,crossed my mind with that last post. I am curious as to what it gets up to. No big deal though as my machine is still running fine.
 In reply to the compressor problem it resolved itself when I added a cup of oil,even though it was full enough somehow it made the difference.BTW most of these type motors are (brush less) so that is how i was able to figure it wasn't the motor.
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Re: Snowblowing??

Ahhh, brushless motor, that would rule it out. Glad the oil helped it. Notice that the Gov't said 75% of the oil is now gone...evaporated, collected or dispersed. That seems mighty high since they just capped it.
But I've read that it is a light crude, so it does evaporate easier...we can only hope!
 I have no idea on the fuel pump pressure. Someone would have to perform that test. Would be good to know...