I have 2 YT 6800's that are both in very good shape. One that is in better shape and was my first YT6800 will not start. It turns over very good but has no spark at the plugs. Both coils are working and I even had a Yamaha Dealership work on it, and they said it was the rotor magnet and so I tried to find one, found one that was made wrong from factory, the magnet was located wrong, so that is why I bought the 2nd one that I had shipped from Hew Hampshire (400.00 in shipping cost) Even though that one ran good I intended to use it as a donor tractor as I said mine was in better shape, but I have been using it to mow lawn and to be honest I don't want to take the chance of taking off the rotor and then end up with two that wont run. I just have that sort of luck. So this is why I'm thinking of selling them as a pair. The one that wont start is awesome shape, I am the second owner, the first owner was a mechanic at a Yamaha Dealership and took very good care of it, when I bought it 7 years ago it look brand new, and other than a couple of small scratches (from the boy) it is still in very good shape very clean,shinny, and was always well maintained. I really hate to sell them specially the one that does not run, I really don't get what happen to it, two years ago I started it after winter, and it started right up like it always did, I changed the oil, filter, and trans fluids in the prior fall, and it was kept in garage, I mowed the yard over 2 acres and went to wash it like I always have before, after wash it would not start, thought OK I must of gotten something to wet, well after days of letting it dry and making sure everything was connected and so on I brought it to the Yamaha Dealership, that is when they told me it was the rotor magnet that was bad, and the hunt for a replacement started, and was only able to find one, that turned out to be a bad one, and so that is when I bought the other one. It is also in good shape but just not as clean as mine, everything works on it but the fine tuning knob (red) that adjust the cut height, lights work, and pto works good also, and I just used it today to mow my lawn and other than the need of sharpening the blades, it ran very good.
The one that wont start did run even better, and everything works on it even the fine tuning knob works and worked very good. There are only two things that give its age away, one is that the seat does have two little tears on both sides at the curve of the seat, the other one does also in the same spots, and the steering wheel is a bit sloppy, not sure why, but was going to replace it with the other one as that one does not have the same issue. I was just going to switch steering columns.
OK so you can see that I love these tractors, and I will be posting pics soon, or sooner if someone is interested in them. Like I said they both are in very good shape specially compared to some I've seen. I will be sharpening blades on the running one if not both soon. I still would love to find out how to get the one to start, they just don't make tractors like these any more. I do have at least one more oil filter to go with them.
OK I might sale the one that does not start by it self, but really would like to sell both together and to someone that really appreciates these tractors.
They both have the original Dunlop tires, and original rims, again the nicer one has nicer tires, the decks on both are good, but again the nicer one is a bit nicer, both have newer belts, and the nicer of the two had a new battery put in two years ago that only got one mow on it. OK OK OK I could go on for ever on all that has been done to these.
I want about $1500.00 for both I've seen lessor ones go for $750.00. I can be a bit flexible on price, as I know they are not cheap to ship. (because they weigh almost 650 pounds each. I live in Kent City Michigan and it cost me about $400.00 to have one shipped from Hew Hampshire.
I have thought about parting the non-running one out, but I really hate that idea, it is way to nice for that. I know that it would run for many many years if fixed.
If somebody knows how to work on these I am certain they could fix the one, and have another running one for parts, as we know are getting harder and harder to find.
Any questions, or ideas on how to fix the one, or a line on a rotor, please respond here.
I will be happy to give phone number to anyone that really wants to make a serious offer.
Thanks Jay
Ok this is the only Picture that I have but I will be taken a lot of pics of both of them. So that everyone will be able to see all the engines, and decks, tires, and so on.