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Wanting to buy ANY YT-3600 tractor and/or snowblower attachment

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Wanting to buy ANY YT-3600 tractor and/or snowblower attachment

7 posts
Hi there.  I have posted a couple ad's about wanting an engine for the yt-3600 tractor but now I am more interested in the purchase any tractor.  I would like to keep them running for as long as possible.  I did speak to someone a while back about a possible purchase of one but I was not able to get it at the time.  I am hoping that whoever that was would remember and contact me back about it.  The tractors were located near International Falls and I am located near Thunder Bay On Can.  If anyone else has one they would like to part with or a snowblower attachment as well I would definitely purchase it from you. Running or not

Dave 807-475-7422
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Re: Wanting to buy ANY YT-3600 tractor and/or snowblower attachment

20 posts