YT 3600

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YT 3600

Can you tell me where do you put in the oil.. I know where the dip stick is.. but don't know where to put in the oil. Thanks!  Please be specific or send picture... because I am a girl!
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Re: YT 3600

 On the 3600, I believe you have to unscrew the entire dipstick assembly. The dip stick goes into another
plug which comes out. I don't have one, but that's what I'm assuming based on the drawing.

Here's a good spot to view the engine drawings. Have to put in the model #, etc, if it doesn't come up.
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Re: YT 3600

In reply to this post by suzZEE
suzZEE I have a 3600 as well,you need to buy a cheep funnel that will fit the same hole the dip stick cam out of and you can add from there.

 the number one no, no, is do not add more than required,its the easiest way to destroy your engine.
take a look at the older postings as well if you need help.
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Re: YT 3600

In reply to this post by rattosh51
hey rattosh,

 I went back and looked at all the old postings, I seem to remember you had posted a link to a manual online but I didn't see it?
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Re: YT 3600

Nope wasn't me...don't have one to post for the 3600.