YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

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YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

Tom Miller
Wondering if anyone has had this problem? Our tractor seems to run fine, when under the load of the PTO engaged, but surges when the load is off.

Also, we're experiencing sudden engine shut off, which I'm guessing is due to a blockage in the fuel feed. Engine restarts easily, after it cools off, and runs fine until the next sudden death.

Thanks for any comments. Tom
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Re: YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

 The surging sounds likes your fuel system/carb needs a cleaning. Take your aircleaner housing off all the way, with the two bolts that hold the housing on to the carb. Spray the carb down with some cleaner.
Also put some Seafoam additive in your gas tank (follow directions on can).  Put all back together and run for awhile. If still surging after that you may have a leak in the gasket on the bottom of the carb.
 The engine shut down could be a number of things. Since it is definitely heat-related, it could be one of the coils getting warm and failing too. That ones a little harder to diagnose.
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Re: YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

Tom Miller
Thanks for the advice, I'll try both. Finding Seafoam in this neck of the woods is a challenge, seems only 1 car parts store carries it and that off the beaten track.

It seems that the majority of responses posted on the site come from you. That leads me to think that you might be a parts dealer, as well as a fount of helpful information--is that right? And if so can I order an oil filter for a 6800N from you? Thanks.

And thanks, again, for the advice, I'll follow it. Tom
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Re: YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

No, I'm no dealer, just someone trying to get more info out on these mowers, as there is basically none.
I had to pick one up as a backup to my JD 318 and did a lot of research. All tractors are basically the same, with some minor differences. These tractors probably have the least amount of info out there, but you can still get service manuals for them too.
A dealer actually runs this site and you can order parts from them...
or or
or you can also substitute a NAPA Gold oil filter #1635.

Good luck with the surging problem. Doesn't have to be Seafoam, basically any gas additive that cleans up deposits will do. I have just had good luck with Seafoam, and have been using it for 25 years.
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Re: YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

Tom Miller
Thanks. Bought a carb cleaner and a can of Seafoam and will give it a whirl.

The owner's manual came with ours and I can testify that it is of VERY limited use. If there's a service manual out there, though, that might be of help. I'll see if I can find one.

Thanks, again.
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Re: YT 6800 idle surge when PTO is off

Read the lower posts, I think one entitled "fast moving parts"...I think there is prices listed there for a service manual.