YT3600 Bag Catcher Bags

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YT3600 Bag Catcher Bags

Looking for information on replacement bags for my grass catcher.  I have heard that John Deere bags will work as good replacements, however I am not sure of the size bags to look for.  Does anyone know what size the bag opening are supose to be.  
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Re: YT3600 Bag Catcher Bags

Anyone that has original bag catcher system; could you please measure the bracket dimensions and post them to this thread.  I have 16" x 16" brackets currently.  They seem to be too big when trying to close the original cover.  It would be possible to fabricate these brackets if I knew the proper original opening size.  After these demensions are known, I will be able to find replacement bags that could fit.  Thank you.
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Re: YT3600 Bag Catcher Bags

Mine are about 15 1/4 by 15 1/4, measuring from the center of the rods.