We've been running this old Yamaha since 2003, the tractor just won't quit. But - the deck pulleys are worn and it eats belts. I've replaced bearings, aligned the pulleys and repaired worn tensioners, etc, made sure the belts are running true but can only patch it so much. The pulleys are no longer V shaped, more like a U now. The belt rolls and is destroyed in only a few hours now.
I'm looking for:
(1) deck 'stacked' pulley Yamaha p/n JG7-52433-00-00
(3) JG7-52431-00-00 blade drive pulleys.
I did not find any at tractor or lawn supply houses. If anyone has determined a suitable replacement please let me know.
If someone has determined part numbers of stamped or weldable pulley and hubs that I could assemble
if someone has discovered a magic belt that Likes to run in U-shaped pulleys, I'd be happy with that too.
thanks in advance
Paola, KS