YT6700 Carburator problems

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YT6700 Carburator problems

Is this website still active ? Haven't seen any recent posts, but here goes anyway: My YT6700 has a problem starting when it's cold, the choke setting doesn't do anything to help start the mower. I've taken the carb apart and cleaned it, made sure the throttle/choke mechanism isn't binding and the linkage seems to be operating ok. I have to squirt starting fluid into the carb to get the thing to start when it's cold. Once it's been running awhile it will start up if stopped for a short while. Any ideas?
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Re: YT6700 Carburator problems

If your carb has air leaks it will do that.  Sometimes the gasket to the engine will leak or the throttle it self will get warn and leak.  To see if it has a leak start the engine and let idle then spray a little starter fluid around the gasket and throttle. if it is sucking air the starter fluid will cause it to increase in rpms a little
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Re: YT6700 Carburator problems

I'll try that this weekend, thanks for the tip !