Yamaha YT 5700 for sale.

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Yamaha YT 5700 for sale.

We retired and moved from Toronto to a lake in cottage country NE of Kingston Ontario in 1998.  I bought the previous owners 14 HP YT 5700 which at that time was only a few years old.  His requirements were quite minimal and consequently the tractor was in excellent condition.  I wanted to turn what had been about 4 acres of field into lawn to give the property an estate look but 14 HP was inadequate so I bought a 20 HP Simplicity and so the Yamaha has been sitting in the garage for about 10 years.  A problem had developed around the time I bought the Simplicity which is that whenever I turned off the tractor it wouldn't start again until it has cooled down.  I'm a technopeasant so I didn't know what the problem was but locals told me it was probably the coil.  At any rate since I have my Simplicity the Yamaha is useless to me but would be a gem for a mechanically minded person.  I am willing to sell it for $300 or am open to realistic offers to any interested party.  I can be reached at Canadave@ripnet.com or (613) 387-2976.