Yamaha YT6800 For Sale

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Yamaha YT6800 For Sale

Hi, I am looking to sell my Yamaha YT6800 lawn tractor.  I am the original owner I bought it in 1991. It ran great until this summer and started to run rough.  I am not a mechanic, although i tried all the tune up parts etc. It starts and runs but rough. Its a great machine but its time  to sell. I live in the 10536 zip code between White Plains NY and Danbury CT. area. Please contact me at rrion@optonline.net if interested or have any questions. I am having trouble loading photos on to this site. If interested in Tractor I will e-mail photos to you.   Thanks
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Re: Yamaha YT6800 For Sale

Hi I'm interested.
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Re: Yamaha YT6800 For Sale

Hi, Sorry, I have agreed to sell to another member.