battery cables

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battery cables

gonna put new batt cables on. headed to tractor and farm supply. looking at the pos. cable it looks like it has some kind of cover going into the starter. not sure about this connection as i don't want to mess something up. does this cover pry off or some type connection. thanks   Denny
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Re: battery cables

forgot to mention when i tried to start the 6800 i had my volt meter on the small wire on the solenoid and it read 10.7 when in the start mode and trying to start it. otherwise the battery reads 12.30 all the time. will not engage the solenoid. i have been nailed on shorts in battery's before when they read good until put under load and they shorted out. testing the easy stuff first to try to get the starting system working here. battery looks to be about a year and half old. cleaned the seat and brake switches so far but nothing happened.  Denny