engine power issue with mower deck running

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engine power issue with mower deck running

When I'm cutting the grass the noise pitch and enginer power will change like it gets a load on it sometimes and will stay like that for minutes or the whole time finishing the grass - the tractor will sound like it's labored and noisey and then it just changes to super smooth maybe after a some time. Both still cuts the grass - better when running smooth. I checked the deck bearings and sure enough one was blown which I replaced but it still doing it after I know now the deck bearing are alright. Any ideas????????? Please help!!!!! Thanks Stephen
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Re: engine power issue with mower deck running

When a tractor can't handle the load, it usually is in the carb area. Your carb may be dirty and need a cleaning. Dirty fuel filter, restricted fuel line or dirty air filter are possibilities too. Try putting a little Seafoam gas additive in the tank too, will help clean up the internals.
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Re: engine power issue with mower deck running

Thanks for the reply - except the problem I can't think of as a carb problem as it's quick drastic change all of a sudden while the deck is in use already - runs clean without any load issues while cutting and then a it changes all of a sudden and stays that way for some unkown amount of time - when it makes the change then it's really, really acting like it's under a load then. Any further help would be great - Thanks again - Stephen
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Re: engine power issue with mower deck running

That is an odd one...can't really think of other things than maybe the fuel delivery starts getting low while cutting (fuel pump?), float adjustment, or still something with the deck, but sounds like you've gone through that already....that's all I've got.
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Re: engine power issue with mower deck running

No problem - I thank you for any advice - I'm going to clean up the fuel system and double check the deck right when it happens to check the bearings that they are moving good - I'll let you know what I find - Stephen