front tires not align

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front tires not align

is there a way to align front tires?, the right is a bout 1/4 inch toe out.
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Re: front tires not align

If you only have one tire with noticeable toe out, something is probably bent or wore out on that side.
Check the spindle itself, and the bushing the rim rides on.
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Re: front tires not align

thanks, it is not not bad, i will let it be for now.

oh, i changed engine oil and replace oil filter, not sure how much oil it needs, i put in about 1 and 3/4 gt. is that about right.

boon yt6800
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Re: front tires not align

When you check your oil level on the dip stick, make sure that you unscrew it and let it sit on top of
the threads of the dipstick housing. Do not screw it all the way in to check it. Not sure why Yamaha did it this way. Total oil from the owners manual says 1.9 US quarts.
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Re: front tires not align

thank you so much.

boon yt6800