idle trouble

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idle trouble

farmer bill
6800 runs fine but just wont idle leave throttle up  and runs for ever  ------help
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Re: idle trouble
Good morning, sounds like your carb is in need of a good cleaning, it appears to be getting fuel only through the main jet, old fuel stored in machine in the off season will do this, simply disassemble and remove all the jets and clean thoroughly, make sure the jets and tubes are clear through. You can hold them up to the light and you should be able to see light through the middle, with no blockage, then blow out with compressed air and set float height and re-assemble.  
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Re: idle trouble

In reply to this post by farmer bill
There is a throttle stop screw that you can adjust the idle with. I don't have a good
pic of it though. Standard idle speed is 1500rpm +-100rpm