replacement blades needed

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replacement blades needed

 I have two lawn tractors a Yt 6700  ( 46" cut) and a Yt6800   (48" cut)  does anyone know of a replacement blade  (aftermarket or other brand mower blade)  for both of these mowers that will fit other than the oem blade from yamaha? Thanks for the reply, Tommy Jordan
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Re: replacement blades needed

I don't know of any aftermarket ones, but have managed to source a number of obscure parts for me at a very reasonable price (Well below RRP) and are shipping them to the UK for me, highly recomend them they have been very helpful.
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Re: replacement blades needed

Haven't found any 3rd party replacements yrt.
Here's a supplier-don't know if they have blades or not, haven't looked in a while.
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Re: replacement blades needed

In reply to this post by 2fast4u
 Oem blades are still avalable but I was looking for another source for blades and possible differant types of blades also.