seat and brake switches yt6800

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seat and brake switches yt6800

my seat safety switch wires are red, black, and blue. would like to splice them to eliminate the switch. not sure which two of the three to splice. brake switch the same. i have not looked which wires are in the brake switch. the same colors i would assume.  thanks. Denny
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Re: seat and brake switches yt6800

cleaned and checked all safety switches.checked them with my meter and got a beep where i should have. was some corrosion in the main switch which i cleaned out with a small sharp wire. applied die-electrical grease on all the connections. everything works good. i rethought splicing wires and decided against doing that.voltage at the battery was checked at the and where the ground was connected at the frame. although the battery is a year and half,i'll keep a check on it. ready to go again.i'll install new battery cables as soon as i figure out how to remove the pos. cable from starter. this is the way it's going to be with these riders. they are old and no parts left for them.i'm lucky that i have been fixing my riders for about 40 years and some of my best friends are career machinest and tool makers.