willing to pay top $ for snowblower yt6800 in good shape

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willing to pay top $ for snowblower yt6800 in good shape

Just as the topic states,  Im willing to pay top $ for a snowblower that is in good shape and with all parts needed for my yt6800.
If you dont have one , but know someone that does please put me in touch with them..

Thanks in advance , Tom

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Re: willing to pay top $ for snowblower yt6800 in good shape

I have a cab, weights, and blower. all yamaha. Forest Lake MN
3-YT3600's, 2-YT 6800's, 1-YT6700 for parts.
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Re: willing to pay top $ for snowblower yt6800 in good shape

funny , I live in Oak Grove MN and I bought one down in KC. Thanks for the reply though.

I do know 2 guys that have the same mower that are local, not sure if their looking but ill ask them.  how much did you want.
