yt3600 What size belt for Deck to PTO is needed?

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yt3600 What size belt for Deck to PTO is needed?

I just purchased a yt3600 with the snow blower attached to it. I am now trying to attach the mower deck. I don't have an extra belt that I would assume goes from the deck to the PTO. So I need to know what size belt is needed, also how much of the snow blower attachment must come off? I also don't see how the belt will transfer power being that the PTO pulleys are vertical and the deck pulley is horizontal. Am I missing a pulley?

Any help would be appreciated,
Lancaster PA
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Re: yt3600 What size belt for Deck to PTO is needed?
Hello John,your belt goes on in an "L" shape off the PTO down over top of the pulleys marked # 25 in this picture and on to the mower.

Regards Speedy
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Re: yt3600 What size belt for Deck to PTO is needed?

Well I finished taking off the snowblower chassy and there is no other set of pulleys. So it looks like I don't have that pulley assemble--great!!!! Any suggestions? I'm going to contact the person who sold me the tractor, but they already told me that they got it from an uncle and never used it to mow.

If I can get the assembly - do you know what size belt is needed?
