I thought it would be a good idea to post a refresher course on changing the oil in the yt's hydro. Although I have the 6700 some might benefit from the info along with the pictures.
1. Jack up the back of the tractor so both wheels are off the ground, brace so it will not roll.
2. Remove the left rear wheel. 19mm socket
3. Remove the clutch connection pin and lower the assembly.
4. Remove the bracket that holds the pressure relief rod and lever, two 12mm bolts.
5. Remove the center nut, 14mm with the push pin on it.
6. The oil will start draining, forgot - good idea to have a drain pan under the unit!
7. While the oil is draining it's a good time to check the level of the gearcase oil on the differential. 13mm.
8. Reverse the proceedure and refill the oil with 10w30 (recommended) I use 40 weight.
9. It will take some effort to get the oil passages to bleed the air out, do this by manually pushing the tractor back and forth about 8 - 10 feet with the engine off, do this until you feel the wheels lock up. After starting the engine gradually coax it back into movement until you are confident that all is well.
I put a generous amount of anti seize on the wheel shaft for easy removal next year.