YT3600 looking to sell. Motor is bad. The rest was working fine when the motor went bad. Includes a 2-stage snow blower, counter weights and chains plus a bagger. Located in Andover, Minnesota. Make an offer.
Unfortunately the time isn't right for me to purchase.... I'd be happy to haul it away for you but $50 is about all I could get away spending and still having a place to live.
Not trying to be disrespectful as I am a huge Yamaha fan and actually have one of these mowers at home. I love mine and hope to never see it have the same motor problems you've had. I don't have the blower attachment which has really caught my eye.
Hopefully you will get what your looking for out of it. If not, let me know. I too live in Andover and would be happy to get it out of your garage.
I am in need of the pulley assemble that is for the mower deck. The one you have to take off to mount the snow blower. I just purchased a "complete" YT 3600 with the blower already mounted. The person who sold me the tractor does not know where it is. I would gladly pay $50 plus shipping to be able to mow!!
I would be very greatful.
I'm still deperately looking for that pulley assemble. Just under the PTO with 4 bolts.
$50 + shipping. If people want the deck they already have the pulley assemble- If they want the snowblower they don't need the pulleys.
I have to make a move on either getting a pulley assemble. One more time is there any way to pry those pulleys away from your 3600??? I understand your wanting to keep it together one one level but I can see you making out also if you part it out.
Maybe it the hype of the draft weekend put what will it take to make a deal.
I'm not looking to part out the tractor thats to much trouble and time, just want to sell the whole tractor and snow blower together or seperate of each other I would like my garage space back. Sorry
That all depends on how wet the snow is and the rpm of the tractor on a average 25ft but it does the job. Looking for $150.00 that fits a YT3600 everything incuding the wheel chains. Very Firm on the price
Thanks Randy