P T O Electrical Clutch

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P T O Electrical Clutch

 Tommy Jordan
 I have a YT 6800 that the PTO electric clutch that engauges the cutter deck belt has gone bad. Does anyone know where I can get one of from a differant brand mower that will work on my mower? Thank You! Tommy Jordan
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

Jeff S
I noticed my father in laws' SCAG zero turn mower has a PTO clutch that looked very similar to my YT6800.  I believe it was the same manufacturer.

I haven't researched enough to see if it is the same or adaptable.

Hope this helps and hopefully mine lasts a while!
1989 YT6800
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

 Tommy Jordan
 Thanks Jeff,  I am hopping some one can give me a part number , mfg.,or a model number for one. I have surched the internet for pto clutches and there must be dozens odd shapes and designs.  Maby some one wiil chime in soon. Thanks Tommy Jordan
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

Jeff S
A little more info for you.
OEM PTO clutch Mfg. is Ogura
Part #JE8-52340-00-00

Here is an ebay link to give you an idea of what I was thinking

Search around and you will see many clutches that look very similar to ours.  You really just need to get one with the same shaft diam. and with same pulley size.  They just look so similar that one of them has to be able to work.  I truthfully have never even looked at mine because it has always worked flawlessly. However, I may pull it soon and adjust the air gap just to give it more life.
1989 YT6800
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

 Tommy Jordan
 I went on a expetition today to mower shops to try to fine a replacement all shops have no info on any Yamaha replacement parts,  I took my old clutch with me. most parts guys tried to help but since they do not stock these clutches due to the cost they were of no help so far.    Any body got any suggestions for a replacement clutch? Tommy Jordan
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

 Tommy Jordan
In reply to this post by Tommy Jordan
 After searching everywhere on the internet and direct contact with Ogura ( original mfg. of the oem PTO clutch)  they are obselete now!   I desided to take my PTO clutch apart to see what failed. The drive pins that connect the clutch to the pulley had worked a loose and sheared apart. After searching for these replacemant pins and other small parts  I found them and ordeded them. These pins  require a special too to install them.  I found a guy here in town that had just what I needed to install these pins.   While re assembling this  clutch  I moddified the way it is made to help take the stress off these pins in the future.    Now my clutch works  just like new again.   If any of you  are interested want me to look and see IF  I can repair your clutch for you Est. cost $75.00-$100.00 , E mail me at 2fast4u1@msn.com be sure to put "Yamaha PTO clutch" in your subject line  on your email so I will not think it is junk mail.  Thanks Tommy Jordan  , North Carolina
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

Jeff S
That is great you fixed it!

Gives me hope I can fix mine if it breaks! Or, just send it to you!

Did you readjust the clutch air gap as well?
What size air gap?
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

 Tommy Jordan
  I replaced all drive pins, surfaced drive disc, surfaced driven disc, inspect both bearings,adj air gap to .018, add addational contact support to drive pulley to take some of the stress of the drive pins ( my own modification).. Bench test after assembly. I don't charge any thing to disassembly and inspect your clutch to see if I can repair it.  I supect the failer I saw on my pto clutch is what happins to most clutches with age and use over time. I will be glad to help anyone if I can. Tommy Jordan
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

Bravo Tommy!! Nice detective work!!!
I believe there are some older posts regarding this topic, and someone had thrown in a Toro brand PTO at one time,
that had worked. Would have to search it out again though...been awhile. The .018 is kind of the standard gap for most
PTO's that I know of. It's a good thing to check now & then. Nice of you to offer to fix for people!
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

Here's a basic PTO guide...

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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

 Tommy Jordan
In reply to this post by Tommy Jordan
 I now have put 5 hours on my mower since I repaired my clutch. Everything seams fine now. Remember my clutch had a mechanal failer not a electrical failer. I supect a lot of these clutches that failed have mechanical problems not electrical magnet failer. Tommy Jordan
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

In reply to this post by Tommy Jordan
 I just got a pto clutch from a forum member with drive pins sheared off looks like i can repair this one also.
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

In reply to this post by Jeff S
 JUst got a forum members clutch drive  pins were sheared off  going to fix  and re enforce it for him.
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Re: P T O Electrical Clutch

 Just finished up a bad clutch for forum member DW Drive pins were sheard off  and added re enforcemant mod  also returned to DW  TO help protect clutch from heavy shock loads , engauge pto switch when deck is all the way up then lower deck to desired cutting height.