YT3600 Ignition switch issue???

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YT3600 Ignition switch issue???

Hello, pretty sure I need a new ignition switch but wondering what you guys think. My tractor starts up no problem but after it starts and the ignition is set to on I can hear a clicking noise that sounds like the ignition is stuck in start. The starter does not sound like it is engaging just a clicking noise. Since the ignition seems like it is constantly trying to start the tractor I'm lucky if my battery lasts one cut.

Does it sound like a new ignition switch is needed or could be an issue with wiring harness?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: YT3600 Ignition switch issue???

Talking with a friend he had the same kind of issue with his Harley and it turned out to be the starter solenoid.
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Re: YT3600 Ignition switch issue???

In reply to this post by hauk
Have you tried this dealer?