If you look at the dates of those postings you can see they were a few years ago, didn't think anyone read them anymore
Since I posted the transmission rebuild I never had to do another thing with it, still works strong like it was new
I say that because I sorta forgot where I drained the oil on the transmission.
I remember correctly follow the lever down, the one that is under the seat to disengage the transmission, that lever presses against a button. That button has a nut around it. Take off the nut and pull the button unit out. BE CAREFULL there is a spring and a small ball bearing in there, don't lose them.The old oil will drain out, I flushed it with kerosene/deisel fuel, blew it out with an airhose and then refilled with a straight 30 motor oil after reinstalling the button,spring,ball thing. To get the unit completely filled and oil in all the hydraulic passages fill from the top like you normally would and when the cup is full you have to push the tractor back and forth by hand with the button in the operating position, (down) push the tractor until you feel the wheels lock up. Start up and try it out, It takes a few shifting cycles to get all the air out of the passages but have patience. Just changing the oil in the transmission and putting in fresh stuff should get rid of that mushy feel