YT6800 Belt

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YT6800 Belt

I acquired a YT3600 with the house I bought about 10 years ago and it has been fairly trouble free.  I recently found a YT6800 with a mower deck and snow blower on Craig's List and couldn't resist.  The blower was mounted on it when I bought it so I removed that and put the mower on yesterday.  I need to purchase the power takeoff belt to complete the installation and I am hoping someone can tell me how long that belt is.  I measured roughly 68" but do not know if that is the proper length.
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Re: YT6800 Belt

The part # in my manual for the pto belt on a yt6800 is LB67 if that helps.
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Re: YT6800 Belt

Yes that does help,  thanks.
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Re: YT6800 Belt

In reply to this post by yama1
I own a Yamaha YT6800 and my belt has fallen off. I was wondering if you have the diagram to show how the belt goes back on the deck of the lawn mower. I bought my mawn mower used about five years ago and it did not come with a manual. If you send me a copy of the diagram I would appreciate or tell me where I could get a manual from. I looked on the Yamaha website, but they do have the manuals for the lawnmowers.

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Re: YT6800 Belt
In reply to this post by toyhauler
Good morning Unfortunately I do not know the length of the belt for you.
Service manuals are $102.95 Canadian  and are available. I have included a couple of pictures for you to help you out,this should get you back up and running agian.
Regards Speedy