YT6800 Yamaha Drive Pulley

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YT6800 Yamaha Drive Pulley

Any & all info for getting the main drive pulley off the crankshaft is greatly appreciated. I have tried a 2jaw puller & a 3jaw puller. No luck. Anyone know how to get this off? Any tricks of the trade? Or any secret yamaha tools?
Let me know please, Taxman01
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Re: YT6800 Yamaha Drive Pulley

Not sure how it is secured on there but if a pulley is just stuck on a shaft use your puller and when you have it tight take a hammer and hit the puller center bolt tighten again and repeat until it breaks loose
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Re: YT6800 Yamaha Drive Pulley

Any have any tricks for this? I have a stubborn one as well
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Re: YT6800 Yamaha Drive Pulley

In reply to this post by taxman01
They just slide on, so I would try some penetrating oil.
3-YT3600's, 2-YT 6800's, 1-YT6700 for parts.
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Re: YT6800 Yamaha Drive Pulley

Man I don't get it.  I've tried two 3-arm pullers and went and bought the M14-1.5 bolt to thread into the center with no luck.  Tried heat and penetrating oil.  I'm ready to cut the darn thing and try and figure out a new pulley after.