Yamaha 3600 Wiring

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Yamaha 3600 Wiring

In the process of replacing my battery, I somehow disconnected a red wire (small, like a number 10 or 12 guage) from somewhere, and now I have no power anywhere.  I get nothing when I turn the engine on, and can't even start it with a boost.  It is a solid red with no stripes and is located in the vicinity of the battery.  Can someone look at their wiring and see where the red wire goes?  I looked and looked and can not determine where it was previously connected.  Thanks.
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Re: Yamaha 3600 Wiring

 both small and large red go on positive battery terminal
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Re: Yamaha 3600 Wiring

In reply to this post by Extrom
That is your hot wire that comes from positive battery terminal and goes to a fuse beside the battery. the fuse can pull apart
good luck