Yamaha YT3600 starting up after several years of sleep

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Yamaha YT3600 starting up after several years of sleep

Hello fellow YT owners,
I've just inherited a YT3600 lawn mower.
You'll find a picture below.
Hasn't started in years...
The battery is dead, so I plan to change it before starting up.
Any other tips or do's/dont's before turning over the key?
Since there's no manual i don't know in which position the handles should be before starting...
Does anyone has a manual in PDF format to be sent by email?
Any European owners on this forum?
Looking forward to your reply's.
Thanks a lot for your help!;-)
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Re: Yamaha YT3600 starting up after several years of sleep

Hello and welcome aboard !
I have to say that is the very first Yamaha tractor I have seen with the real Yamaha accessory grass catcher on it very nice.
Good strong battery, clean carb,fresh fuel,new engine oil and light it up...keep us posted.

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Re: Yamaha YT3600 starting up after several years of sleep

In reply to this post by Matt888
Clean, check and grease.....since it was sitting you may want to add a tablespoon of oil to the spark plug hole, just to make sure everything is lubed up on the inside. Turn over the engine with the spark plug disconnected to coat the cylinder walls with oil. Nice shot of the bagger.
Good luck with it