My 3600 worked like a charm for years. Last week I shut it off after using it all day. It tried to start it a few minutes later but have not been able to start it since. It was low on gas, but not empty. I filled it. I disconnected the fuel line and a few drops come out when I lower it. Not sure if it should be flowing or not when I lower it. I took the spark plug out, added a few drops of gas, and tried it . It sputters a bit like it wants to start but stops. I disconnected the air cleaner and tried running without. It made no difference. I was thinking of trying another spark plug but doubt it will do much. Would the fuel pump stop all of a sudden? If it was the fuel filter would it not sputter a little and not stop all at once. I was thinking of spraying carb cleaner to see if it will make a difference. It just seems odd that it doesn't fire at all. Not much of a mechanic and would really appreciate some guidance as to what to check out.Thanks in advance.
Turn the key to the on position...listen for fuel pump "hum"..if no sound you may like to check voltage to pump. if you have power to pump it may be a bad pump. you may also try disconnecting fuel line to carb and try the same switch trick...look out for sperting fuel if it works..if not look out for replacement pump...\
hope this helps..best of luck
Thanks mtviews,
I turned the engine with the fuel line disconnected and no fuel came out so I guess it must be the fuel pump. I don't hear the "hum" when I turn on the switch so hopefully it is just a disconnected wire. I will try to follow the wires and see if any are not hooked up. Any idea if there are diagrams/schematics available for the wiring anywhere? I know this is a stupid question, but where would the fuel pump be located? Never worked on this before.
Much appreciated.
I think there is a fuel pump fuse under the hood although I am not sure..don't remember...you still may want to find the wiring to the fuel pump and check voltage.with the switch on....watch for sparks as there is gas involved...may be the wiring, connection or that fuse.
I assume you have checked all the safety switches for operation, seat, brake and PTO switch any one of them would not allow restart..although you said with gas on the plug it tried to start so all these "safety defaults must be operative.
Vincent, if the fuse has blown you also need to find out why. They usually last a very long time and don't burn out unless there is a good reason. I had a fuel pump seize up once in my car and at the same time we got a letter from shell gas company about a problem with an additive they were using. It was a 500.00 repair that shell covered but all it took to get the pump running again was they soaked it in acetone. So don't run out and buy a pump if its not working until you soak it over night in acetone and give it half a dozed light taps with a tac hammer. if it starts up again you don't need a new pump. I am not 100% sure but I think you may be able to buy a generic after market pump if you need to.